Have you ever really stepped back and wondered how the world would function if we ran out of natural resources? How life would be altered if we didn't have the means to create products that we use everyday? Have you ever thought how the waste of such materials as plastics, oil, and indecomposable materials effect the earth everyday?
The lack of conservation is all around us, for example did you know that the U.S. alone generates a daily amount of garbage to equal the weight of the Empire State Building? Or did you know that 1 in 4 mammals in the world are near extinction due to pollution? Or how about that the world cuts down fifty million of acres of rain forest every year? Did you know that one either? Chances are no.. Just look around you, the indications are everywhere. The sad thing is that its only getting worse every year. Efforts all around the world are starting to be put into action, and the rise of going green and conserving our planet is becoming a more pressing issue every day. This basically comes down to one thing and one thing only, and that is what can you do to make your community and school a better place to live in?
That is why you're in luck, this year Wisconsin DECA is taking action. This year we are going to focus on this pressing matter to decrease our carbon footprint and make Wisconsin a better educated state in go green efforts and the benefits that it will bring. The only problem is we can't do this alone, for this to be successful we're going to need YOUR help!
We are asking chapters throughout Wisconsin this year to look for ideas to help decrease their carbon footprint. Even the smallest efforts will make a difference to the environment. Here are some ideas that can get you started and on your way to a better school environment:
- Create a school garden
- Create a compost in your school garden
- Create a recycling program
- Install energy efficient light bulbs throughout classrooms
- Adopt a highway or road
As you can see through these few ideas, that even the smallest efforts can truly add up if you work at it enough. This year Wisconsin DECA wants to recognize those schools that go above and beyond and truly work to make their school an environmentally friendly place.
Also this year we are looking to host a T-Shirt competition that will allow students to submit their designs for a contest. These designs will then be voted upon and the winners design will be printed on 100% recycled material T-Shirts. These profits will then be donated to MDA! I know you're probably wondering, "This can't get any better?!?" well you're wrong. The winner of the contest will also receive free T-Shirts for his/her chapter! Now that's a pretty good deal if I don't say so myself.
Well that is all for now more information will be coming out very soon regarding the T-Shirt contest, and more ideas on going green within your school will also be posted. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Thanks for reading Wisconsin DECA and I hope you have a good day.
Connor Norris
Vice President of Community Service
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