Online Forms
Hey guys, although they haven't been published yet, I just kinda wanted to bring you all up to speed on what our online forms for community service recognition are going to look like. I first would like to tell you all that I am very excited with what we have added and that it's going to allow us to be able to recognize you better as well as allow other chapters to connect with new ideas.
The Basics
The basics as you all probably know will just contain your school, advisor, participants, activity, what category of community service this is under, blah blah blah. You all know the routine. It's pretty basic.
What's New
Here is where all the exciting and fun things come into play. This year we are asking chapters to take a picture while you are performing your activity and send it with your form. This will allow us to visually recognize you through our social media sites and allow other chapters to get ideas as well as to see your amazing success. Another cool feature that we will offer is an optional video post where we will allow chapters to post a link of a video allowing us to showcase your chapter even more! Also we will be asking you to recognize one individual that really stuck out during this activity, maybe it was their idea, maybe they were the backbone of the operation, or maybe they just seemed to get the most out of the experience. Either way with this nomination this chapter member will be put into consideration for Member of the Month! Allowing them to be individually recognized state wide! This will allow individuals to be truly recognized for their efforts and allow them to really continue to strive to be the best they can be.
With this deadline we are strongly encouraging chapters to email their online forms in to me so that we cut down on paper and continue to go green. This year we are asking chapters to really try and email their forms in within two weeks of completing their activity. This will allow us to recognize individuals for Member of the Month as well as allow us to share your ideas with the rest of DECA helping to get others active.
Well that's all for now Wisconsin DECA I just thought I'd throw you a brief update on whats going on. If you have any further questions feel free to contact me I would love to help. Also I will be posting another blog shortly once the form is posted with a link and everything.
You Stay Classy Wisconsin DECA,
Connor Norris
Vice President of Community Service
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